Electrifying Networking with EINTAC

Picture of EINTAC branded inflatable car.

This week we welcomed attendees to The Plaza, Enterprise & Innovation Centre in Braintree for a fantastic afternoon of engaging conversations and informative presentations with our Members EINTAC.

A number of great Essex businesses gathered to connect and hear from EINTAC about the risks, hazards and some misconceptions around Electric and Hybrid vehicles. The timing of this event was particularly pertinent as it was also World EV Day in the same week.

EINTAC are experts in safe-working on electric vehicles. A relatively young business formed in 2019, attendees heard from Managing Director, Tim Hughes, on the history of the company. Tim explained how the company was formed after identifying a gap in the market on the need for specific equipment and training needed to work on electric and hybrid vehicles.

We were also joined by EINTAC’s Technical Director, Ian McDonnell, who gave an overview of the niche risks that these vehicles present whilst also myth busting certain exaggerated perceptions of the dangers affiliated to electric cars.

EINTAC pride themselves on creating innovative solutions to tackle the potential hazards of electric vehicles. If a car should catch fire, it can be very difficult to extinguish with traditional methods. To combat this EINTAC recommend and offer a vehicle fire blanket suitable to cover vehicles of varying sizes from passenger cars to large lorries. The company have developed a unique way of demonstrating this pioneering equipment with scale model inflatable car, which was on display at the event.

Attendees also heard from Essex Chambers CEO, Denise Rossiter, who announced she and other Chambers staff are taking to the skies and braving a skydive to raise money for our nominated charity Mid & North Essex Mind. Denise, drew people’s attention to the fact that 10th October is World Mental Health Day and highlighted the importance of taking care of our wellbeing as well as supporting those who offer help to those in crisis. We will be sharing details on how you can support the Chambers Skydive soon.

Thank you to everyone who attended the networking event. We hope you enjoyed hearing about the world of electric and hybrid vehicles whilst growing your connections over a delicious lunch.

Our next physical event is the Network with London Southend Airport event on Thursday 24th October. We also hold several virtual networking events, workshops, webinars and training sessions. Head to our website to find out more.

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