13th July 2023

Reacting to the latest trade data from the ONS, William Bain, Head of Trade Policy at the BCC, said:

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Persistent labour market tightness adds to business woes

11th July 2023

Reacting to the latest ONS labour market figures, Jane Gratton, Head of People Policy at the British Chambers of Commerce, said: 

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BCC responds to Chancellor’s Mansion House reforms

10th July 2023

Responding to the Chancellor’s Mansion House speech announcing reforms of the pension market, BCC Director General Shevaun Haviland, said:

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BCC responds to launch of the Labour Party’s Opportunity Mission

07th July 2023

Responding to Sir Keir Starmer’s speech announcing the launch of the Labour Party’s Opportunity Mission, Jane Gratton, Head of People Policy at the British Chambers of Commerce, said:

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BCC Quarterly Economic Survey: Signs Inflation Pressure Easing 

06th July 2023

The BCC’s Quarterly Economic Survey for Q2 2023 shows that less than half of firms now plan to raise prices in the next three months as cost pressures ease.

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Chamber Network meets with Chancellor – with skills, planning and national grid top of the agenda

04th July 2023

Following a meeting of Chamber Chief Executives and business representatives with the Chancellor, Shevaun Haviland, Director General of the BCC, said:

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BCC continues expansion with new research Insights Unit

03rd July 2023

As part of the British Chambers of Commerce expanded national offering, it is launching a new Insights Unit to provide businesses with best-in-class intelligence on the big strategic issues impacting the UK economy.  

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Government must act as a beacon for Net Zero

28th June 2023

BCC Director General, will use an appearance at a key Climate Change debate to call for Government to set out a clear pathway for business on Net Zero. 

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Business Seeking Certainty On Interest Rates

22nd June 2023

Reacting to the Bank of England decision to raise the base rate to 5%, BCC Head of Research, David Bharier, said:

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Stubbornly high inflation still a major concern for businesses

21st June 2023

Reacting to the latest ONS inflation figures, David Bharier, Head of Research at the BCC, said: 

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