BCC Economic Forecast: Recession Expected To End But Growth Will Be Weak

01st March 2024

The British Chambers of Commerce (BCC) Quarterly Economic Forecast has slightly upgraded growth expectations for 2024 and 2025, as the recession lasts just two quarters, but strong growth will remain elusive. UK Economic Outlook       The UK economy is expected to grow every year until the end of 2026 but...

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Chambers Lead Successful Start to Local Skills Plans  

29th February 2024

Local Skills Improvement Plans (LSIPs) across England “are working and beginning to make positive differences for local employers”, according to a new report commissioned by the British Chambers of Commerce. Based on evidence from 21 of the 32 chamber led LSIPs, the evaluation report concludes that the process is...

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Scale Of Red Sea Disruption Revealed

26th February 2024

New research by the BCC’s Insights Unit has uncovered the scale of the impact on UK businesses caused by the disruption to shipping in the Red Sea. Almost two fifths (37%) of more than 1,000 firms surveyed overall for the research said they had been impacted – with exporters,...

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Empowering Local Economies – A Key To UK Prosperity 

20th February 2024

The British Chambers of Commerce new Local Economy Of The Future report sets out 16 policies that could transform the UK’s growth potential by empowering businesses, communities and local government. Among the crucial changes it recommends are:  The ‘Local Economy Of The Future’ report is being published at an...

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BCC launch industry-led skills programme to unblock Britain’s planning pressures 

19th February 2024

The British Chambers of Commerce (BCC), with founding partner Aviva, is establishing a new five-year industry-led programme to increase skills and capacity in Local Planning Authorities (LPAs). The programme will pay for at least 100 undergraduate and masters’ level qualifications for people entering the planning industry, and for people...

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Chancellor Must Outline Sustainable Growth

16th February 2024

The British Chambers of Commerce is calling for the Chancellor to use next month’s Budget to work in partnership with business to develop a sustainable growth plan. Among the recommendations in the BCC’s Budget submission are: Findings from the BCC Insights Unit’s first major business survey of 2024 highlights...

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Strong Trade In Services Boosts UK Exports 

15th February 2024

Responding to the latest trade data from the ONS, William Bain, Head of Trade Policy at the British Chambers of Commerce, said:  “The UK had another good year for services exports in 2023, showing the strength of that side of our economy. But there will be concern about the...

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Economy Toils As Recession Bites 

15th February 2024

Responding to the ONS’ first GDP estimate for the fourth quarter of 2023, Alex Veitch, Director of Policy and Insight at the British Chambers of Commerce, said:  “A contraction in GDP for the final quarter of 2023 means the UK economy is in technical recession. Businesses were already under...

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Inflation Remains a Real Concern for Business 

14th February 2024

Responding to the latest inflation figures from the ONS, Alex Veitch, Director of Policy at the British Chambers of Commerce said: “Businesses need price stability, so today’s news that inflation remained unchanged in January is welcome. “However, firms consistently tell us inflation is their top concern. In our latest...

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Business Fears Over Number Not Seeking Work  

13th February 2024

Responding to the latest labour market data from ONS, Jane Gratton, Deputy Director Public Policy at the British Chambers of Commerce said:    “Fewer vacancies show the labour market is softening but firms are still reporting difficulties finding skilled staff and the large number of inactive workers is concerning....

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