Growth and Skills Levy – We need your views

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As the nominated lead for the Essex Local Skills Improvement Plan (LSIP) chosen by the Department for Education, we wanted to make you aware, and get your views, on the new Growth and Skills Levy.

The new government will be implementing changes to the current Apprenticeship Levy and introducing a new Growth and Skills Levy. Skills England will be responsible for the implementation of these changes, and currently, the LSIPs are providing feedback to Shadow Skills England.

The voice of employers is crucial in shaping a deeper understanding of industry needs. Therefore, we kindly request that you take five minutes to complete this short survey.

Please complete the survey relevant to your Levy status.

  • If you are a Levy paying employer please complete this Survey
  • If you are a Non-Levy employer please complete this Survey.

Please circulate it to as many employers within your network as possible.

If you are interested in getting involved with the Essex LSIP or want to discuss any skills issue have, contact our Essex LSIP Team.

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