Submissions Guide

Your contributions will be welcome but must be submitted by email.

Be assured that every effort will be made to publish your story. However, we cannot fully guarantee to feature every submission that we receive.

We strongly recommend that you follow the advice offered in the checklist below.


News Submission – tips checklist:

  1. Ensure you are a Member of the Essex Chambers of Commerce
  2. Note your name and the name of the business you are reporting for in your submission.
  3. Indicate the title of your article submission.
  4. Ensure your article is editorial and not advertorial or sales heavy.
  5. The best news is short and to-the-point. Aim for around 250 to 500 words but we do accept up to 1500 words.
  6. Attach your article in WORD format
  7. Attach your company logo.
  8. Attach one or two high resolution pictures if possible.
  9. Remember that by making a submission you are automatically giving Essex Chambers your permission to make it public. Does somebody else in your business first need to approve the content, including photographs, that you intend to submit?
  10. Try to make your submission appealing to all.
  11. Keep the tone of your message positive and upbeat.
  12. Consider the style of the publication you are aiming for, before you begin writing. Your contributions can be tailored to either of the following publications:

            International Trade Newsletter  – factual import and export articles and your exporting news
            Grapevine – informational articles or your news from around the county

  1. The best publicity is regular publicity – why not aim to produce one News Submission every month?
  2. Good News is always the best news and spreading it will help to influence positive impressions about you and your organisation.


Please submit your news by email to:


Deadline and Publishing Dates



The deadline date for article submissions is on the 23rd of the month.
Grapevine is published on the last working day of the month.

*December 2025 deadline is the 12th and publishing date is the 19th


International Trade Newsletter

The deadline date for article submissions is on the 10th of the month.
The newsletter is usually published on the third Friday of the month.

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Our membership process is quick and easy – just fill out the online sign-up form or give us a ring!