Continually reviewing curriculum and teaching methods in consultation with employers and stakeholders is an imperative part of developing the skills that business requires for the future. To develop the workforce of the future and ensures that we are addressing the skill shortage can only be achieved by working closely with industry experts.
The skills and knowledge needed to succeed in a sector is constantly evolving and is our collective priority.
With that aim we have sector specific discussion events that are taking place.
At the events we will be discussing your workforce requirements and what is available to you within Essex. In addition to this we will continue to seek your points of view around new technologies, green skills, and cyber preparedness with the aim of starting the process to move the dial on some measurable actions.
It is clear that skills gaps suffered by employers are a major blocker to economic growth both locally and nationally. The LSIP programme that Essex Chambers of Commerce has been leading is already producing tangible outcomes which will allow local providers to focus on key Skills Priorities in the county. At the latest Professional Services Roundtable event hosted at First Intuition in Chelmsford Jo gave a highly articulate overview of progress made so far by the Essex LSIP team, and then expertly chaired a fascinating discussion where employers, providers and other stakeholders shared insights into the skills gaps they have been experiencing.
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