As a member of the Essex Chambers of Commerce, you can be confident that you will be listened to on the issues that matter to your business. As the county’s foremost independent voice for business, we represent our members’ interests and concerns and will raise them with the appropriate bodies, including local and national government.
Our regular contact with Members of Parliament, local authority leaders and officers, and central government departments at political and official levels, ensures that policy makers and decision takers are properly informed about the concerns of our members. We have the knowledge, experience, and credibility to champion the key issues affecting businesses across the county and in the wider region.
We are continuously and actively involved in many local partnerships, committees, and with local authorities to promote and protect the interests of the county’s businesses. Local authorities and government departments regularly consult us on policy. We also collaborate on matters of mutual interest with neighbouring chambers of commerce, particularly in the East of England, and have a strong relationship at national level with the British Chambers of Commerce.